Library Fund

Help us to change lives, one book at a time

The Na’atik library is the beating heart of the school community, acting as an intercultural learning hub and providing students with resources and support they cannot find anywhere else in the community.

This past summer you helped us raise over $7,000 dollars to reopen the library for the new academic year.

Our next goal is to expand our Non-Fiction and Science section, to help students with their studies beyond language.

The Na’atik Library offers our students access to free book lending, internet enabled computers, learning resources, the assistance of a trained librarian, and a wide variety of activities such as free career workshops and after school clubs.

If you would like to contribute to expanding the collection of books and other material available for our students, we are constantly updating our Amazon wishlists with the children’s latest requests. These lists can be found at:

books on a table in a library

Some recent wishlist donations from a generous anonymous supporter.