Recipe of the Month: Marco’s Taco Salsa

Marco and his Taco Salsa

Marco and his salsa

Here at Na’atik and in Mexico in general, eating and sharing food is a joining force where problems are forgotten, joy is found, and even enemies can forget their grievances. Our Recipes of the Month are favorites shared by our local Na’atik family. We invite our staff, homestay families, parents of students and students themselves to share their favorite meal, snack, dessert or salsa with the world.

This month, our long-time MY scholarship student, Marco, who is now 15 and has been studying at Na’atik since he was a wee three years old, is sharing his favorite taco salsa. He let us know that although he loves this salsa for tacos, it is also delicious with chips, on sandwiches, eggs, and other meals… basically anything you would like to add more flavor and spice to.

Once you master this salsa, your friends and family will ask you to whip it up for all your (and their!) social events - big and small.


Mexican sauce is something that is very delicious and we need to add it to our food because without it there is no flavor.

The ingredients are:

2 tomatoes cut in half

1 chile habanero

1 garlic clove

Small bunch of cilantro

1 sliced onion

1 tsp salt

¾ cup water

Oil for frying

Frying pan


Salsa ingredients

Salsa Preparation:

  • Heat the frying pan on the stove over low heat 

  • Add a small amount of oil for cooking

  • Add the clove of garlic in the pan when the oil is hot

Garlic frying in a pan
  • Add the chopped onion and chili 

  • Cook until the onion is golden brown like the garlic

  • When the onion, garlic and chili are browned, remove them from the frying pan 

Onion, Chilli and Garlic frying in a pan
  • After removing the onion, garlic and chili, put the tomatoes

  • Sear the tomatoes until both sides are golden brown*

    *a tip to let you know the tomatoes are ready is to touch the tomato with the spoon and if it is soft, it is ready

Seared tomatoes poured from pan to blender
  • When the tomatoes are ready, put them in the blender with the cilantro, onion, garlic, chili and salt

  • Add 3/4 cups of water

  • Blend until smooth

  • Pour into a salsa dish and enjoy!

Salsa being blended in Mexican kitchen

This is something simple you can now enjoy on whatever you eat. This salsa is very delicious for any dish you make. I hope you like it just like I do. See you! Greetings from Felipe Carrillo Puerto, Mexico!

Green Salsa or Salsa Verde in a bowl

Check out our other recipes in our Na’atik recpie blogs! If you want to try these amazing dishes in-person, come and study with us! Send us an email at for more information, or read about the program here


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