Doña Dianela’s Calabacitas Recipe

Doña Dianela and the Cauich Machay homestay family are well known for their amazing cooking skills and their recipe for Calabacitas con Puerco is no exception. The whole family got together to share their amazing, traditional recipe that is packed with flavor. This is comfort food at its best. Enjoy![video width="480" height="368" mp4=""][/video]


  • ½ Kg of pork ribs

  • 4 tender pattypan or scollop squash chopped (these are the small green pumpkins but other pumpkins or zucchini also work well)

  • 5 red tomatoes 

  • 1 white onion 

  • 1 bell pepper

  • 3 garlic cloves 

  • Vegetable oil or lard

  • Salt and pepper to taste


  • Dice your garlic

  • Cut onion, tomato, chili, and pork ribs into chunks

  • Sauté the garlic with the vegetable oil or butter and once golden brown add the ribs continue to fry for 10 minutes

  • Add the squash and continue frying for 5 more minutes

  • Add the onion, tomato and chili, stir well, add your point of salt and pepper to taste

  • Add half a glass of water to the saucepan and cover the pan and boil for 20 minutes

  • Check that the ingredients are cooked through and turn off

  • Serve with tostadas, grated cheese, refried beans and enjoy!


  • ½ Kg de costillitas de puerco

  • 4 calabazas tiernas

  • 5 jitomates rojos

  • 1 cebolla blanca

  • 1 chile dulce

  • 3 dientes de ajo

  • Aceite vegetal o manteca de cerdo

  • Sal y pimienta al gusto.


  • Se corta en cuadritos el ajo, cebolla, tomate, chile y las costillas en trocitos

  • Se sofríe con el aceite vegetal o la manteca el ajo y una ve doradito se le agregan las costillitas de sigue sofriendo durante 10 minutes

  • Después se le agrega las calabacitas y seguir sofriendo dorantes 5 minutos más

  • Se le pone la cebolla, tomate y chile, revolverlo bien, se le anexa su punto de sal y pimienta al gusto

  • Se le anexa medio vaso de agua a la cacerola y se tapa para que hierva bien durante 20 minutos

  • Supervisar que esté bien cocidos los ingredientes y apagar

  • Se puede acompañar con tostadas, queso rallado y frijol colado. ¡Buen provecho!

Let us know if you try it!

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The best way to experience the Mexican lifestyle is in person, with a Na’atik Immersion experience. Not only do you live with a local Mexican-Maya family, sharing home-cooked meals and free time, but also receive expert instruction in your chosen language at our school. Best of all, every immersion experience helps fund our subsidized and free local education program, helping local students to access opportunities and make their own futures.


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