Na'atik Language & Culture Institute

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Faces of Na'atik: Osmar

Osmar with spanish student

Meet Osmar: dancer, musician, and of course one of our brilliant Spanish teachers here at Na’atik Language and Culture Institute!At 26 years old, Osmar grew up in Felipe Carrillo Puerto and studied to teach English at The University of Quintana Roo in Chetumal which is just a couple hours south of here.He is passionate about dance and music and spent several years performing in a folk ballet group in the city. We often have the pleasure of seeing Osmar dressed up in his dance costumes ready to perform local, traditional, folkloric dances with his dance groups! Osmar loves to travel and experience and learn about new cultures. He has traveled to many states in Mexico learning about their local history, folkloric dancing, food and traditions. Osmar brings his experiences, as well as our local culture, into his Spanish classes.We sat down with Osmar for a socially distanced chat to get to know a bit more about him. 

How long have you been a Spanish teacher at Na’atik? / ¿Cuánto tiempo has sido maestro de español en Na’atik?

I've been a Spanish teacher at Na'atik since the summer of 2017, so that would be three years!He sido maestro de Na'atik desde el verano del 2017, ¡eso serían tres años!

Tell us a bit about your job and what you do. / Cuéntanos un poco sobre tu trabajo y lo que haces.

As a Spanish teacher, I teach the language as it is spoken in Mexico as well as the culture of the country and our region. Teaching is a process of sharing and I also learn from students and their ideas during our classes. I take my experience as a dancer learning different traditional dances from around the country and apply the same methodology in my teaching; you are always able to learn something new or improve on what you’ve already learned through practice.Como maestro de español enseño el idioma como se habla en México y parte de la cultura del país y la región.Es un proceso en el comparto y aprendo también de los estudiantes y sus ideas al conversar. Cómo bailarín aprendo y replico danzas de varias partes del país, son tantas y tan variadas así que siempre se aprende algo nuevo o se mejora la lo ya aprendido a través de la práctica.

What made you want to do this as a job? / ¿Qué te animó hacer el trabajo que haces?

I always found the idea of teaching and sharing ideas interesting, and in my Spanish classes I also get to share the culture of my country. I get to meet interesting and inspiring people, and I am able to also learn about them and their cultures in the process.Siempre me pareció interesante la idea de enseñar y compartir ideas, y para las clases de Español compartir también parte de la cultura de mi país.Me parecía que podía también aprender en el proceso y conocer personas interesantes e inspiradoras, cosa que sucedió.

Do you speak any other languages? / ¿Hablas alguna otra idiomas?

Besides Spanish and English, I understand basic French as well as some words in Italian.Además de español e inglés entiendo francés un tanto básico y algunas palabras en Italiano.

What’s your favorite thing about Felipe Carrillo Puerto? /¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de Felipe Carrillo Puerto?

I would say the peacefulness and the people. The city is small and welcoming, so it is easy to meet its people and to be able to feel that closeness, warmth and human connection.Diría que la tranquilidad y su gente.  La ciudad es pequeña y acogedora, es sencillo conocer a su gente y poder sentir esa cercanía que da la calidez humana.

What do you like about interacting with the Na’atik students? /¿Qué te gusta más de interactuar con los estudiantes de Na’atik?

Being able to share and exchange ideas and learn with and from them as well as sharing the culture of Mexico through my language and learning about the culture and ideas of the places of the students.It is a meeting of ideas in which language teaching functions as the channel to share them.El poder compartir e intercambiar ideas, además de aprender con y de ellos y compartir la cultura de México a través del idioma y conocerla cultura y las ideas de los lugares de los que son los estudiantes. Es un encuentro de ideas en el que el la enseñanza del idioma funciona como el canal para compartirlas.

When someone comes to Felipe Carrillo Puerto to study at Na’atik what’s the one thing you would tell them they have to do before they leave? / Cuando alguien viene a Felipe Carrillo Puerto a estudiar en Na’atik, ¿cuál es la cosa más importante que le sugerirías que haga antes de salir de Carrillo?

Visiting the museum is a "must do" and trying the regional food as well.Learning about the history of the place of which the museum is a part, seeing the culture and traditions that are preserved "from our grandparents" as we say here.The cuisine of the region is something varied and very rich! Local ingredients and seasonings are used that give you flavors that no one should miss.You have to try the marquesitas in the park!Visitar el museo es un "must do" y probar los platillos de la región también. Conocer la historia del lugar, de la que el museo es parte, ver la cultura y las tradiciones que se conservan "desde nuestros abuelos" como decimos aquí. La cocina de la región es algo variada y muy rica! Se usan ingredientes locales y condimentos que le dan sabores que nadie debería perderse. Cuando menos deberían probar las ricas marquesitas.

What's your top tip for someone learning a new language? / ¿Cuál es tu mejor consejo para alguien que está aprendiendo un nuevo idioma?

Work around the topics you like and are interested in.When we start with  new students we always ask: “What motivates you to learn and what topics would you like to work on?”The motivation is greater when we talk about things that we like and are interested in: travel, music, culture, anything that students find interesting and makes them want to talk more and more about the subject.That goes hand in hand with asking: “What do I want to do with the language in the future?”  Maybe they want to learn so they are better able to visit that place that they love or to be able to read or experience certain things. This helps us see where we are going and what we want to focus on in the classes.Trabaja alrededor de los temas que te gusten y te interesen.Siempre que empezamos con alumnos nuevos nos vemos preguntando: ¿Qué te motiva a aprender y sobre qué temas te gustaría trabajar? La motivación es mayor cuando hablamos de cosas que nos gustan y nos son interesantes, los viajes, la música, la cultura, cualquier cosa que nos parezca interesante y nos haga querer hablar más y más del tema. Eso indudablemente va de la mano de: ¿qué quiero hacer con el idioma en un futuro? Tal vez aprendo para poder visitar ese lugar que me encanta o para poder leer o ver cierto contenido, esto nos ayuda a ver hacia dónde vamos y en qué queremos enfocarnos también.One of the local Spanish teaching team here at Na’atik.

If you would like to read more about Mexican culture, history, cuisine and language, check out our blog page for our latest monthly articles. You can also sign up to our newsletter to receive these straight to your inbox along with the latest news about our non-profit school for local and Indigenous students in Felipe Carrillo Puerto. 

The best way to experience the Mexican lifestyle is in person, with a Na’atik Immersion experience. Not only do you live with a local Mexican-Maya family, sharing home-cooked meals and free time, but also receive expert instruction in your chosen language at our school. Best of all, every immersion experience helps fund our subsidized and free local education program, helping local students to access opportunities and make their own futures.