Na'atik Language & Culture Institute

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Benefits Of Learning A Second Language

It’s no secret that learning languages, like any skill, has benefits way beyond communication. Evidence shows that learning languages can improve memory and enhance your ability to multitask as well as actually improve your first language.As a nonprofit language school here in Mexico, we know that second-language learning can benefit all of our students, both our local students learning English and international students coming to learn Spanish or Maya, in ways that will resonate with them for the rest of their lives

.Improved confidence: The increase in confidence we see in our students is truly inspiring and rewarding. Seeing a teenaged Spanish immersion student turn from shy and terrified to saying “Hola” and then chatting with their homestay family over dinner and forging lifetime friendships is a joy. We have the privilege to see our English program students grow and flourish over time; their confidence growing inside the classroom and across all aspects of their lives. Language learning is personal; it’s not a team sport and you can be very exposed at times. Learning a new language teaches our students that it’s okay to make mistakes and gives them the confidence and resilience to bounce back and be proud of both the big and small wins.

Skills for learning: For some, the benefits of their hard work studying a second language will be more practical than anything. A new language is just that: new. Learning a language teaches you patience like nothing else can, there’s always something more to learn, to add and to improve. We can take for granted the things we “just know” and forget that learning is a process, a skill in itself, and most importantly that we’ve all been beginners at one time. Learning a language requires self-discipline, dedication and a positive attitude to learn all the details that can seem overwhelming at times but are so very important in everyday life.

Increased understanding of other cultures: We’ve said it before but can’t say it enough: learning language is crucial to learning a culture and vice versa. Whether it be from the words’ origins or how feelings and thoughts are expressed, studying a new language allows you to begin understanding different sub-cultures and language differences between regions. Our Spanish and Maya immersion programs are designed specifically to integrate our students into the community and teach in a respectful, empathetic and authentic way. We feel that language and culture are one and the same and the best way to learn about one is to learn about the other. We’re unable to do this in quite the same way for our English program students, but with our teachers being native English speakers and with international visitors from across the globe interacting with them throughout the year, we hope to not only to embed a love of languages but also inspire them to explore and truly understand different cultures and points of view. 

New opportunities: We often talk about the doors which can open for our local students through learning English. We’ve seen our students win international scholarships, study higher education, work in different careers, and utilize their English in international exchanges. We don’t, however, mention how beneficial our Spanish and Maya immersion can be for our international students. We’ve had students who need Spanish for their jobs, are studying ancient languages, or just want to improve their conversational skills so they can better contribute to their community. The skills they learn and connections they make here often lead to opportunities and life choices they hadn’t thought were possible. We’d love to hear how learning a second, third or even fourth language has helped you in ways beyond basic communication. 

If you would like to read more about Mexican culture, history, cuisine and language, check out our blog page for our latest monthly articles. You can also sign up to our newsletter to receive these straight to your inbox along with the latest news about our non-profit school for local and Indigenous students in Felipe Carrillo Puerto. 

The best way to experience the Mexican lifestyle is in person, with a Na’atik Immersion experience. Not only do you live with a local Mexican-Maya family, sharing home-cooked meals and free time, but also receive expert instruction in your chosen language at our school. Best of all, every immersion experience helps fund our subsidized and free local education program, helping local students to access opportunities and make their own futures.